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Paperthin stone veneer.

23.02.22 06:01 PM By Valentin Murzac

Stone rediscovered with Slate-Lite:

Real stone, thin & flexible

Slate-Lite is an innovative real stone veneer that consists of a thin natural stone layer and a support backing reinforced with fiberglass or cotton.

We have developed a special process to extract many thin layers from the most beautiful stone blocks in the world. Each of these sheets is unique and handcrafted in over 12 processing steps. Despite its lightness, Slate-Lite stone veneer retains the feel and look of a solid stone slab. Our stone veneer is only approx. 1.5 mm thin and even flexible!

Discover a total of over 50 decors with five different types of stone in our stone veneer shop: We not only offer thin slate sheets, but also thin decors made of limestone, sandstone and even marble!

Valentin Murzac

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